The Best & Worst Lunchables

My last list discussed some foods that parents buy for their children and really eat themselves. Lunchables was the big winner *spoiler alert* and I figured we can go into more details as to what Lunchables are the best and worst. For those of you living in the stone age and don’t know what Lunchables are, they are a snack or meal respectfully that came out in the 1990’s and come in various packages. Some are the snack packs that don’t have drinks, others have the drinks that come with them, some are larger packs, and some are just mini breakfast types. Some of these types of Lunchables vary from pizza making kits to crackers with cheese. Read on as we rate the top 5 best Lunchables and 5 best worst Lunchables ever created.

BEST Lunchables

5. Mini-Hot Dogs

We rate these as pretty tasty on the Lunchable scale. I’ve had this once or twice before and I can say that the few times I’ve had them, I have enjoyed them a lot. The only reason I have had them so sparse is because of the lack of availability in most stores of this type.

4. Chicken Dunks

Celebrated by many are the chicken dunks. The delightful ketchup and nifty shapes of these awesome chicken snacks make anyone want more. They are actually pretty filling and not too bad with the calorie intake either, but like you care if you are a kid or eating these anyways.

3. Extra Cheese Pizza

The pizza ones are some of the best ever created and a very unique and fun way to build your own food. Something about carefully crafting the cheese once you put on the sauce (if you don’t eat it all before you place it) is both enjoyable and tasty.

2. Mini Burgers

The burgers are a delightful treat and are one of the most filling types of Lunchables around. They make lunch fun and also feel like you are at a barbecue while eating lunch in the cafeteria. Many thumbs up to this fine type.

1. Pizza with Pepperoni

You shouldn’t be surprised, but the best Lunchable we rate was the pizza with pepperoni. As we mentioned when it comes to the pizza Lunchables before, they are so fun to craft before eating, but the only thing better about this type of pizza, is that pepperonis are included! The pepperonis really add some flare and puts the finishing touches on this fine feast.

Honorable Mention: Tacos!

One of my personal favorites are the tacos one. I think it stomps the pizza by a million, but unfortunately this one was recalled because of the lack of shared enthusiasm by many other eaters. A certain type of tacos/burrito Lunchables are available, but good luck getting them at a regular store or buy them online.

WORST Lunchables

5. Nachos & Cheese Dip & Salsa

Where this is a decent treat, it is definitely a lighter portion on the Lunchable scale. It taste better than a movie theater and is a very nifty snack for most, but isn’t filling and seems that many gravitate towards other types.

4. Ham & Cheddar

The cheddar cheese in these packs are decent, but the ham is possibly one of the worst meats that Lunchable has ever processed. It taste odd and you have to truly eat these with the crackers to numb out the taste of the other.

3. Turkey & American

Where the turkey is good, the American cheese is questionable in these packets. The crackers are mediocre, and there are just frankly better selections out there.

3. Light Bologna & American

There is something sketch about bologna already and all of the processed stuff that comes with it, but in a Lunchable pack it is even more questionable. Combined with the worst type of cheese, this is just an odd mix and most kids do not enjoy this.

1. Ham & Swiss

Not to hate on all of the cracker Lunchables, but in comparison to the other delicious varieties they offer, it’s like somebody got lazy with these types. The reason this is rated the absolute worst if because as already mentioned the ham is disgusting and the Swiss cheese is comical. By comical, I mean almost feeling nauseated while eating it. Swiss has to be fresh and almost from a deli to be acceptable. No bueno!

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